Hello Fellow Fitness Fans.
I've been thinking about changing the name of my blog for quite some time now. It made sense to name it A Better Reflection when I first started blogging about my health and fitness journey, because when I looked in the mirror I hardly recognized myself and I knew my healthier more active self was still in there somewhere I just needed to find her.
Throughout my fitness journey I have improved in many different areas. The one problem I fixed the most was my own self image. As you may have read in posts on My Fitness Pal or in my Facebook Groups, I have lost about 35 lbs and have kept it off for over a year now. My original goal was to lose 50lbs but as I became more fit, and did more research on health and fitness, and learned things along the way. I've come to realized how amazing my body not only because of all the amazing things I have done that I never thought I was capable of doing, but also because of it's unique beauty. I have proven to myself that I am in great shape and my health is at an optimal level. I've learned to love myself and my body throughout this entire process. Which is why I don't think the title of "A Better Reflection" adequately represents what this blog is about.
Adopting a healthier more active lifestyle is not about just looking good. As a matter of fact as time has gone on, how I look has become one of the least motivating reasons for staying healthy and making better choices. My health, a long life, more energy to be a better mom, a better teacher, a better friend, the way I feel, the ability to move with easy, feeling comfortable in my own skin, reducing the costs of health care and clothing. These are the things that motivate me... and yes, it's nice to look "good" too. But I find the folly in wanting to look good is that most people, especially women think they have to look like the girls in magazines, without realizing those girls don't even look like they do on the glossy pages in real life. There are a thousand different ways to be beautiful and being healthy is one of the most beautiful things I've ever discovered. Life is so much more beautiful when you feel good from the insides out.
I also want people to know that when they read my blog it's written by a real woman, who lives and works in the real world, who enjoys the occasional sweet treat along with all array of deliciously healthy fruits, veggies, grains, and proteins this world has to offer. I want them to know that too can feel better and live better without spending extraordinary amounts of money on food or supplements and without sacrificing all the things they enjoy to eat, without denying themselves and entire food group, no matter what their schedules are or how busy they are.
So I need some suggestions. Any ideas?