Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fantastic Zumba Instructor!

Zumba is the latest crazy in the world of fitness and health. I attended some Zumba sessions when it first hit our area a few years ago, before I even really knew what it was. Now this Latin-inspired dance fitness program is sweeping the world. At the all staff training my company had this year one of our sessions was Zumba. Between the instructor for that session, and the instructor at the place I used to attend and the current Zumba instructor at Club 814, I have had the opportunity to experience Zumba from three different perspectives. All of the instructors provided high-energy intense workouts that were as fun as they were effective. However I have to give props to Zumba instructor at Club 814, Kaylie,  for some of the techniques she uses in her Zumba programs.

A friend of mine highly recommended I try Zumba a Club 814 as she knew I have been trying to find a variety of fitness activities to add to my repertoire in order to keep my fitness routine fresh and interesting.

Of the Zumba instructors that I have had experience with they all try to acknowledge the body parts or muscles groups you are to be focusing on during each new movement while they are Zumbaing with you, but Kaylie takes her Zumba programs to the next level. I have found the movements and techniques she uses to be highly effective and the focus on core and ab work throughout her routines is stellar.

During her hour long sessions you transition from high intensity fat burning sweat producing cardio moves to more focused strength related movements. The Zumba Fitness website describes Zumba as "Fitness Party!" That's exactly what it feels like! That or walking into a night club where everyone is hitting the dance floor. Throughout one session with Kaylie you effectively work all of the major muscle groups. The first time I attended Zumba a Club 814 I had no idea what I was in for. I had a blast and could really feel my muscles working. The next morning every muscle in my body had some level of soreness to it especially my glutes and core muscles, but I also noticed soreness in my biceps and deltoids as well as my calves. The most unique thing about Kaylie's Zumba Fitness sessions is cool down she incorporates in it. The last song of each session is a slower more inspirational song to which she leads you through a series of slower movements to stretch and relax your entire body. Which gives you a proper cool down after an intense workout.

I have been attending Zumba at Club 814 under Kaylie's instructions since the beginning of December and look forward to it every Thursday night. However, I recently learned the Club 814 has asked Kaylie to find another place to hold her Zumba sessions as they will be using the space for something else in the beginning of March. Righ now Kaylie instructs Zumba Fitness sessions at Club 814 on Mondays from 5:45-6:45 and Thrusdays from 7:30-8:30, she also holds a session at the Windber Community Building from 5:45-6:45. Each session is only $5.00 Being the full time working mom that I am I have been loyal to the Thrusday night sessions because it workouts out best for my schedule. I'm hoping Kaylie can find another place to hold her Thursday night sessions at a similar time.

If you're looking for fun fitness activity without the monthly payments at a reasonable cost check out the Zumba fitness classes near you. If you happen to be in the Johnstown, Pennsylvania area, check out Kaylie's Zumba Fitness sessions.

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