Monday, November 26, 2012

Insanity Review - Why It's the Perfect at Home Program

What do you call 6 feet of space, your own body weight, and something that plays a DVD?
Your personal total body gym!

I'm serious. If you have 6 feet of space and a place to watch a DVD you can get an excellent total body workout that will give you improved strength, cardio, and agility all in just 60 days 40 minutes a day. 

I was never really one for at home workouts. Ever since I was a teenager (many, many moons ago) I would try some at home workout program or another, but would never stick with it for some reason or another. I hated, absolutely hated Aerobic workouts because I just couldn't seem to keep up with the video, just about the time I would get the hang of a certain set of moves, it would change. I felt clumsy and frustrated at best. Because of this I tended to stick to the gym, or running, or more conventional methods of training.

After having my baby it took me a few years to believe that I could ever be the healthy version of myself that I once was. I had gained so much weight over the years just believing I didn't have time for everything I had to do in my life as a homeowner, working full time, being a wife, and mother. So I slowly let my health and fitness slip away from me. A couple years later I was faced with the challenge of being a single mom. I love my baby girl more than anything in the world world and I didn't want to be the out of shape, always tired, version of a mom that I was any more. So, I started hitting the gym again, but progress was slow. Then my dad bought me a workout video game that I tried. I wasn't expecting much to happen as I felt like nothing would work, but slowly and surely I got in better shape. Soon I out worked the fitness video game. I needed something more. That sent me back to the gym to lift and run on the treadmill. Then a friend of mine, who was a Beachbody Coach, told me about the Team Beachbody Insanity Challenge group. So, I thought I'd give it a shot.

What's Not To Love About Insanity?!

No Equipment Needed
I never would have believed you could really get the kind of results I've been getting with an at home workout. Especially one that requires no extra equipment. Just six feet of space and your body. I'm only starting week 4 of Insanity and I've lost 2 inches around my waist and am seeing some serious definition in my arms and legs. Oh, and I'm making major improvements on my fit tests.

Realistic Expectations
One thing that has always bothered me about at home workout programs was watching all the "perfect bodied" people in the background working out and never once needed to take a break. There was always that cynical part of me with the thought in the back of my head that these workouts weren't meant for the average person. This simply isn't so with Insanity. Yes, Insanity pushes you to be able to do things that you probably never thought your body was capable of doing, but Shaun T reminds you throughout his workouts not to sacrifice form. To take a break if you need it and then get back to it. Even the trained athletes in his videos are seen taking a break when the needed. And like a good coach Shaun T even tells some of the people in his video to take a break when he sees them losing their form. "Take a break if you need it. I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just trying to make push you and make you stronger." he says at one point in the Pure Cardio workout. I like this, because this alleviates that sense of failure I used to feel when I couldn't keep up withe video. So, I take a break when I need it and get back to it. After four weeks of Insanity I'm taking less breaks and the breaks I do take are shorter. Insanity WORKS.

Delicious & Nutritious Meals in the Elite Nutrition Guide
Insanity doesn't just set itself apart with the genius of Shaun T's fitness program, but with the Elite Nutrition Guide as well! Unlike many of the healthy eating guide's I have tried in the past the majority of the meals in the Elite Nutrition Guide are comprised of everyday easy to prepare foods. THIS to me is key to maintaining a healthy diet. Anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time knows that I try to present health and fitness from a real world perspective. And in the real world, people are busy, and people don't have much money to throw around. the Elite Nutrition Guide doesn't send you to the grocery store looking for some expensive rare ingredients. Chances are whatever your favorite grocery store happens to be, it will carry what you need for most the meals in the Elite Nutrition Guide. Saving you time and Money and who doesn't want to do that?

The Comfort of Your Own Home
Ok, so this is true about any at home workout program, but the fact that I get the results of Insanity in my own home makes this one seem so awesome! It's almost winter here in South Western PA which means snow, temperatures below freezing, and at times unsafe driving conditions. So, the fact that I can get stronger, faster, and more agile without having to leave my house is a major plus right now.

Results You Can See
When I was workout out with EA Sports Active 2 and tracking my diet on My Fitness Pal I was weighing myself every chance I could get and officially weighing in every week. That was what kept me motivated and kept me focused. Seeing the scale drop. With Insanity I hardly weight myself because I am getting results I can see... actually I'm getting results everyone can see. Whether it's a personal NSV like my clothes fitting better or seeing the definition in my shoulders and biceps or that first set of abs trying to make themselves known.  I'm seeing results almost every day. I'm seeing results on my fit tests every two weeks. And everyone around me is seeing results and commenting on them. Even people I work with every day have been complimenting me on how good I'm looking and how they can tell I'm getting more toned and look firmer. Who needs a scale when you have results you can see and feel?

Ready to  experience this kind of success for yourself. Pick up your copy of Insanity today! 

Have any questions or comments about Insanity. Feel free to contact me!

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