Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Health Rally Review

I have had a link for this Health and Fitness website under my Websites & Resources page on my blog for a few months now, as I was one of the testers for the Beta site, but now that it's up and running to the public I thought I'd take some time to promote it a little. Health Rally is website that truly has a unique twist on Health and Fitness websites. I'll start off by saying it can be used for every aspect of health. Whether you are trying lose weight, are training for a Marathon, or are trying to quit smoking or another unhealthy habit.

Like most health and fitness communities Health Rally prompts you to fill out a short profile. You can choose your reward, build your health team by inviting people you know to join your rally, as well as note your mood for the day along, and use a slide bar to adjust your progress so far.

I have been on my health, fitness, and weigh loss journey for 7 months now. I was introduced to Health Rally a few months after I got started. This was a great supplement to my health and fitness regime. While most Health, Fitness, and/or Weight Loss sites offer some sort of community to help encourage you and keep you motivated on your journey, Health Rally allows you to make that community more personal in that you can choose who sees your rally and who you want on your journey with you, (provided those who you invite to your rally accept your request.) I found this kind of support and encouragement more valuable than the random strangers on other sites because the people encouraging me in my rally were close friends and family who truly understood how hard I was working and what all I have been through

This was a great supplement to the calorie counting website I was using because it gave my journey are more private and personal touch. The great thing about it is that Health Rally sends out weekly e-mails to your Rally Team to remind them to keep you motivated which several members of my health team had mentioned that they really liked that because they wanted to be supportive, but would have probably forgotten about that particular mode of encouragement with all the other social media sights we are all mutually on. I have to admit that I first started out wondering if this was really going to be useful because all the people in my Rally were also my friends on Facebook and we could just encourage each other there, but what I found was that I enjoyed logging into my Rally and seeing all the motivation comments and support in place instead of getting lost amongst the multitude of posts on FB or Twitter.

Another unique aspect of Health Rally is the rewards. I have only recently come upon another site that incorporates a visual way to remind you or even encourage you to reward yourself for your progress. Basically, you choose the reward you wish to give yourself by the time you reach your goal. And select either a pre-made picture of that goal or you can make your own. Then you set a dollar amount. The people who support you in your rally can support you both verbally and financially through this website. They can pledge money toward your reward item to help offset the cost for you. The awesome thing about this is, if you don't reach your goal, the money gets credited back to the people who pledged it. So it pushes you in that way to complete your rally.

I can see this site being great for groups too. Especially if they want to raise money for a specific event or cause. This would also be a great way for group of people to have a private way of connecting and sharing their progress. I guess, I have to say, I really like the privacy aspect of it. Instead of having to form a "closed" group as on many other social media you already have your own private group and rally team. So, get a bunch of your closest, friends, family members, co-workers, or whomever and have them all sign up for a Health Rally account then invite one another to each others Health Rally and keep each other motivated!

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