Monday, October 3, 2011

Timing it Right!

I don't know about anyone else, but everyone I talk to & every thing I read gives you different advice. It's enough to drive you crazy. The first thing I've decided to do is to let go of the idea that I have to do everything exactly right. One ideal and piece of advice I just had to get over was the idea that I shouldn't workout late at night because the boost in energy from the workout will cause me to have trouble sleeping.

While there is some truth to this statement, the fact is, I don't always have the time or luxury of working out at a specific time everyday... Unless I do it late at night. The fact is, I have trouble sleeping any way especially now that the school year has begun. I'm forced to stay up late as is working full time as well as taking a grad class, while being a single mommy leave little time for much else during the day. I've survived the last few classes by waiting until my daughter goes to bed, then staying up and doing my classwork. Often getting myself to bed around midnight or later. Even then I am not able to fall asleep right away so I may as well do something good for my health while I'm not sleeping.

And I am SO NOT a morning person so getting up earlier than I already do to workout will probably not be a very successful lifestyle change. So, I definitely need to let go of some ideals and do what works best for me. Sometimes adopting a Better lifestyle means adapting it to fit your personal style. I've noticed in the past two months that as I become more and more successful at making little changes I'm more willing to try bigger changes. Sometimes, I think it's totally worth it and find a way to merge it into my current routine or adjust my routine to fit it, other times it just doesn't work yet for some reason or other. It might just be a matter of timing. I have found that when I come back and try it again when the timing is right I am more successful at it.  In the mean time keep making better choices.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are so right! There is a lot of advice out there, but we need to take it and make it work for us. Just because 4pm is the best biological time (according to some scientist) to workout, doesn't mean that I'm available at 4pm to workout. Maybe 9PM is all I can do. It's still better to workout at anytime than to not workout at all.

    Take all the experts with a grain of salt. Do what works for you.

    Great site! Keep up the good work! Let's #EndTheTrend of obesity in America!


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